Anita Saarkessian

Anita Sarkeesian (Canadian-American) is a feminist media critic as well as a public speaker, and Canadian. Feminist Frequency is a web site with video and blogs analysing portrayals women in popular media and popular. Anita Sarkeesian, a Canadian-American journalist and critic with awards to show for her work, is an activist blogger. She was the co-creator and the director executive of Feminist Frequency an educational not-for-profit website which explores the portrayals of women in pop stories of culture. She's determined to dismantle stereotypes of women and the way they are depicted in pop media. She also is working to increase awareness about cyber-bullying targeting females and other minorities of individuals. Sarkeesian is a graduate in political and social thinking from York University. As a public speaker, she is popular and has given talks at TEDxWomenXOXO as well as the United Nations Broadband Working Group. She was a fan of feminist issues, gender and gender equality since an early age. In 2009, while she was still enrolled at the University of Toronto, Sarkeesian created the site Feminist Frequency. The site was about to launch a series of videos on the web that looked at gender representations in video games after she was the subject of online bullying. However the attack could be a deterrent, but it only bolstered her resolve as a feminist media critic. For the many contributions she has made to feministism, she's the recipient of numerous awards. Anita Sarkeesian, a media journalist who has received numerous awards, and also founded Feminist Frequency An educational, non-profit organization that examines how women are portrayed in popular cultural narratives.

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